Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Holy Chocolatey Goodness

The post holiday chocolate cravings are hitting hard this week...But how can you justify whipping up a batch of chocolate chip cookies when loads of stocking stuffer candy still remains? Unfortunately you can't but you can still lust after divine looking desserts as you focus on your fitness goals for 2012 :) 



  1. Yum! Chocolate is one of those things I reeeeally need to learn how to resist, haha. :)

    By the way, I'm doing a little blogger Q&A with some other fellow bloggers, and was wondering if you'd like join in? It's just a way for everyone to introduce themselves in a post...if you're not into quizzes/just-for-fun surveys, I understand!

    If you are interested, though, the rules are on the newest post on my blog:


    Hope to see you there! :)

  2. haha, oh boy, I have NEVER seen such rich desserts :)
